It is always a thrill to encounter a new location full of uncharted secrets while exploring the eerie and majestic Lands Between. Elden Ring never fails to hit a home run with its intricate level designs and scenic locations waiting to be discovered and explored.
However, Elden Ring refusing to hold the player’s hand can oftentimes prove to be a double-edged sword, like when you repeatedly find yourself in areas above your level and skill set, or when you have no idea where to find a specific location, much like Nokron. Today, we will check out the entrance to Nokron, Eternal City in Elden Ring.
The Eternal City of Nokron eludes many-a-player seemingly. That is mostly due to searching in the wrong places at the wrong times. You can find the entrance to Nokron after you have successfully defeated Starscourge Radahn. A star falls from the sky and crashes into the ground in the distance after Radahn’s boss fight.
Head to the site of the crash (Starfall Crater) and start your descent. Nokron, Eternal City will be waiting for you at the bottom of the crater. An alternate route also leads to a different part of Nokron via The Four Belfries.
Intrigued? We bet. If you would like to know more about the Eternal City of Nokron and all it has in store, we suggest you keep reading to find out. We will leave no stone unturned so you can find the way there with relative ease. Without further ado, let us get right to it.
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How To Enter Nokron, Eternal City?

Let’s be honest. As much as we love the freedom that Elden Ring’s superb open world has to offer, it can become a drag to find some locations sometimes, especially when time is of the essence to you.
Nokron is not displayed on the map, and finding it is a game of luck for many players in itself. Worry not, fellow Tarnished. By the end of this guide, you will know the way to the Eternal City like the back of your hand!
Nokron, Eternal City
The Eternal City of Nokron is one of the best-looking areas in the entire game in our honest opinion. It is hidden underground just a level above the Siofra River. Do not let the underground part fool you.
Nokron is a city of wonders that is abundant in greenery, fauna, and a lively night sky full of stars. It is a truly breathtaking sight! The Eternal City has many secrets, fights, unique enemies, and useful items for you to uncover while you are there.
Also Read: What Triggers Radahn Festival in Elden Ring?
How To Enter?
The method of entrance into Nokron, Eternal City is just as hushed as the area itself. Going the extra mile might seem like a drag, but the good news is that you might already have met the prerequisites if you are quite a ways into the main story. Here is how to enter Nokron, the Eternal City:
Defeat Starscourge Radahn

The first and main way of accessing Nokron, Eternal City, requires you to defeat Starscourge Radahn. He is a Shardbearer demi-god boss in Elden Ring who is necessary for at least one of the endings of the game. He is located in Caelid inside Redmane Castle.
To fight him, you need to trigger the Radahn Festival, which can be done in two ways. You can trigger the Radahn Festival by either progressing Ranni the Witch’s questline to a certain point or by activating any Site of Grace in Altus Plateau.
Tips For Defeating Starscourge Radahn

Starcourge Radahn is arguably one of the hardest fights in the entire game because of the erratic moveset and the destructive ranged attacks that make quick work of your feeble character. Here are a few tips and tricks to make the encounter bearable so you can be on your way to Nokron quicker:
- Be at least level 70 – 80 for a fair fight
- Make use of the summons like the game has intended if a solo fight is too hard
- Do not get greedy
- Make sure that your summoned characters stay alive in the fight
- Maintain a safe distance in the second phase
- Move in after his Hail of Arrows attack and go to town while he is unmounted
- Mount your horse
- A good shield can be better against his arrows than simply rolling out of harm’s way
- Summons make his moveset unpredictable, so soloing can be better in some cases
- Radahn is weak to Rot
- Make sure to dodge his Meteor attack timely by mounting your horse and running in circles with your camera aimed toward the sky
Go Down the Starfall Crater

Once you have managed to beat Starscourge Radahn, (congrats!) you will trigger a cutscene where we see a star fall from the sky in the distance and crash into the earth. You need to make your way to the location where it fell, better known as Starfall Crater.
Starfall Crater is located in southern Mistwood and can be reached in two ways. To reach the crate, travel to Fort Haight West site of grace near Fort Haight and then head west from there. Alternatively, you can take the other route.
To reach Starfall Crater this way, travel to the Waypoint Ruins Cellar site of grace in Waypoint Ruins and then head east by carefully descending the cliffs. The former is easier so we recommend just doing that.
Once you have reached Starfall Crater, all that is left to do is to descend it. You will find neither enemies nor NPCs or even any items lying around. It is best to make haste and drop down into the crater. Once you have safely descended, the entrance to Nokron, Eternal City will be right before you.
Alternative Route Via The Eternal City Waygate

While you can access the main part of the Eternal City by following the method mentioned above, there is an alternative route that will lead you to an otherwise inaccessible part of Nokron, Eternal City. This can be accessed by making your way to The Four Belfries location in Elden Ring.
Players can reach The Four Belfries by following the main road along the western landmass heading north and then veering off to the east when the road forks at the Foot of the Four Belfries site of grace.
The Four Belfries is an area containing four portals that teleport us to different parts of the land depending on the Belfry we use. The Third Belfry is the one that is of use to us. The third waygate is located further up the hill to the west and is denoted by the message reading “Night Sky Unceasing”.
This transports you to an otherwise inaccessible location in Nokron, Eternal City, housing the Mottled Necklace and a Lesser Crucible Knight. It is important to note that the Knight does not drop any loot except for runes.
If you wish to explore everything that Elden Ring has to offer, it might be worthwhile looking into this hidden area of the secret and enigmatic Nokron, the Eternal City with much to offer.
Is The Trip Worth It?

The short answer is, yes. It is worthwhile to visit the Eternal City of Nokron despite being a completely optional area. That is because it contains many useful items, a few unique enemies, and even some bosses!
If you are a completionist, then this is a no-brainer. But even casual players are recommended to visit Nokron if they have the time. It is a scenic location which makes for a nice detour from the main game.
We cannot stress how beautiful the Eternal City looks. Here are some important things that make the Eternal City of Nokron worthy of a visit:
- Nokron, Eternal City leads to the Deeproot Depths, another location worth exploring.
- D’s Twin Brother can be found sitting in the Siofra Aqueduct. He gives you the Inner Order Gesture in exchange for a Twinned Armor set.
Unique Ashes, Keys, and Items
- Ancestral Infant’s Head
- Ash of War: Enchanted Shot
- Black Whetblade
- Celestial Dew
- Fingerslayer Blade
- Furlcalling Finger Remedy
- Ghost-Glovewort Picker’s Bell Bearing (1)
- Greatshield Soldier Ashes
- “Inner Order” Gesture
- Larval Tear
- Mimic Tear Ashes
- Missionary’s Cookbook (5)
- Stonesword Key

Regular Enemies at the Location
- Ancestral Follower
- Lesser Crucible Knight
- Fallen Hawks Soldier
- Silver Tear
- Silver Sphere
- Night Maiden
- Nox Swordstress
Field Bosses and Bosses
- Mimic Tear
- Regal Ancestor Spirit
- Valiant Gargoyle & Valiant Gargoyle (Twinblade)
The abovementioned should give you a solid reason to look into Nokron, especially if you were looking to blow off some steam after a taxing fight like Starscourge Radahn.
That concludes today’s article on the entrance to the Eternal City of Nokron in Elden Ring. Seeing so much effort being put into a completely optional area is fascinating and refreshing. The Elden Ring world never surprises us, even after investing hundreds of hours in the game. Be sure to experience all the game has to offer because the main story is only a fraction of the goodness it has in store.
We sincerely hope our guide helped you learn more about the Eternal City of Nokron and how you can access it in the game. If it did, be sure to leave a comment down below and let us know. Your feedback is much appreciated. Good luck with your future adventures, Tarnished!