Resident Evil games have always been notorious for their insane boss fights. Each boss fight in the franchise brings something unique to the table. If you lose sight and your concentration for a single second you will get destroyed. Luckily, there are tips and strategies that you can follow for every single boss fight in the game.
Every boss in the Resident Evil 4 remake has its weaknesses that can be exploited during the fight. You can also follow certain attack patterns to ensure that you can take out all these bosses without taking significant damage.
There are a total of 11 boss fights in the Resident Evil 4 remake. Some of these fights are repeated with minor or significant changes to the boss. For instance, you have the El Gigante and the Armored El Gigante as two separate boss fights. Similarly, you also have to encounter Krauser two times in his two transformations.
So, the question arises how can you defeat all bosses in the Resident Evil 4 remake? Well, you can easily destroy all these bosses by reading their movements and attack patterns and then taking them out accordingly. Let us take a look at some bosses and how you can defeat them.
Del Lago is the first boss in the game. You encounter Del Lago in the lake in Chapter 3 and battle him there. You can defeat him by aiming his back with your harpoons, avoiding the floating debris that comes your way, and aiming for its mouth when it lunges at you.
Next up we have El Gigante who appears in Chapter 4. You can defeat El Gigante by following a simple set of steps. You can save the dog from the trap at the start of the game and then he will come and take aggro away from you. You can use this time to target his head and take him out.
Conversely, if you did not help the dog you can still defeat him by following some steps. For instance, you need to be mindful of the on-screen prompts when they appear on the screen when he is attacking you. After that, keep shooting his head until he gets staggered. Then you use grenades and melee attacks to target and kill him.
If you want to learn more about the bosses in the Resident Evil 4 remake, we suggest you keep reading. We will take a look at all the bosses in the game and how you can take them out. With all that said, let us jump right in;
1. Del Lago

Del Lago (Lake Monster) is the first boss that you will encounter in the Resident Evil 4 remake. It was a fan favorite in the original game because of its unpredictability and difficult to dodge attacks. The monster makes a return in the remake in full force. Del Lago is a menacing monster that was one of the earliest creations of the Los Iluminados. The monster can be encountered near the church when Leon is trying to escape after clearing out a large swarm of enemies.
Del Lago Attack Patterns
Del Lago has different attacks up his sleeve that you need to be aware of. These attacks include;
- Throwing floating debris in your direction to knock you off your boat.
- A ramming attack where he will break away from the rope harpoon and charge into your boat.
- A submerged attack where he will dive into the water and then jump at your boat at full force and speed.
Tips to Defeat Del Lago

- You have an unlimited supply of harpoons when you are encountering the monster. You still have your guns and grenades but they are unusable in this boss fight. So, you need to aim your harpoons at its back when you are targeting the monster. The back has a larger hit box and you will have a better chance at actually dealing damage if you target it there.
- You need to protect your boat from damage at all costs. Try to steer clear of the debris and the obstacles that are coming your way when you are trying to target the monster.
- When the Del Lago lunges at you, try to target its open mouth with your harpoons. Del Lago’s mouth is his biggest weak point. So, you will deal significantly more damage if you target its mouth compared to other body parts.
- The Del Lago can launch quick attacks that can take you by surprise. So, you need to be alert when he is making the and try to move your boat either left or right to avoid the incoming attacks. The monster will also dive into the water and suddenly resurface and attack you during the fight. You need to be fully aware of this and get out of the way to save your boat.
Rewards for Defeating Del Lago
You will unlock the Harpoon Hurler achievement after you defeat Del Lago for the first time. Defeating the monster will also end Chapter 3 and you can move on to Chapter 4.
2. El Gigante

El Gigante (The Giant) is the second boss you encounter in the Resident Evil 4 remake. You can encounter this boss in Chapter 4 by traveling to the quarry. It is one of the most difficult bosses in the early stages of the game because of its large health pool and imposing figure.
El Gigante Attack Patterns
El Gigante is capable of performing three different types of attacks. Each of these attacks can deal a massive amount of damage if you are not careful and do not dodge them on time. These attacks include;
- Melee Attacks. The giant can land stomps and overhead smashes at different stages of the fight. These attacks normally trigger when it gets close to you or your companion dog (more on this later). You can dodge this attack by moving sideways or by running in the opposite direction.
- Charges. El Gigante can charge at you and perform an attack that can deal a crazy amount of damage. Whenever the giant will charge at you, you will see a prompt on the screen. You can react to the prompt within the timeframe to avoid the attack.
- Object Toss. The giant is also capable of throwing stuff at you and taking away large chunks of your health in a short period. He does this by picking up shacks in the nearby area and hurling them at you. You can run away from the AOE to dodge the attack.
Tips to Defeat El Gigante

- You can set up help for yourself against El Gigante even before the start of the fight. Earlier in the game you have the option to save a dog outside the Village Chief’s house. If you save the dog there, he will join this fight and help you by drawing aggro to himself and allowing you to attack.
- Make sure to loot the shacks in the surrounding area before you trigger the boss fight. These shacks contain valuable items like crafting materials, herbs, and ammo. These items can make all the difference in the world when you are trying to fight El Gigante.
- Always keep an eye on the prompts that appear on the screen. These prompts indicate when the giant will attack you. You can easily predict incoming attacks and dodge them by monitoring these prompts.
- El Gigante’s weak spot is its head. So, be sure to target its head any chance you get. Targeting his head will deal more damage and cause him to stagger.
- After you shoot its head enough times the plaga will out of it. You can target to plaga to deal bonus damage.
- Grenades are a great tool to deal damage to both the giant and the plaga simultaneously. You need to throw your grenades in a way that they land behind El Gigante to deal more damage. Flash grenades can also be used for this purpose as they also deal a crazy amount of damage to the plaga.
- Once you have dealt enough damage, a melee prompt will appear on the screen. You can use this to get on top of El Gigante and use your knife to deal damage to the plaga. Keep repeating this process until you destroy the monster.
Rewards for Defeating El Gigante
You will receive the yellow diamond for defeating El Gigante. This is an essential item that is needed to progress the main storyline.
3. Chainsaw Sisters

The third boss fight in the Resident Evil 4 remake is with the Chainsaw or the Bella sisters. This fight can be extremely easy or difficult depending on your experience with the game. Most players make the mistake of targeting and wasting their valuable resources on the swarming Grados army rather than targeting the sisters themselves.
Chainsaw Sisters Attack Patterns
Most of the Chainsaw Sisters’ attacks unsurprisingly make use of Chainsaws. You can avoid all these attacks by moving left and right or by getting out of the way. Their attacks include;
- The Chainsaw Swing and Lunge. In both these attacks, the sisters use their chainsaws to try and attack Leon. While swinging the chainsaws, the sisters move horizontally. Similarly, in the Chainsaw Lunge, the sisters lunge forward and try to move on Leon to deal damage.
- The Chainsaw Charge. In this attack, both sisters charge Leon with their chainsaws. This attack can be avoided by moving out of the way and gives you a window to attack them as well.
- The special team attack. Both sisters perform a coordinated attack on Leon. This attack can be easy to dodge if you do not time your movements properly.
- The Grados Summon. The sisters summon a swarm of Grados to attack Leon. These Grados are bullet sponges and can take a lot of bullets to kill if you choose to attack them.
Tips to Defeat The Chainsaw Sisters

- Command Ashley to hide before you trigger the fight. You need to ensure that Ashley is safe before you trigger the fight. Winning the fight with Ashley is possible but it takes a lot of effort to protect her and target the sisters simultaneously.
- Use grenades as soon as possible. Grenades are your best friends when you are fighting the sisters. Use them as early as possible to deal a massive amount of damage off the bat. Once you have used your normal grenades, you can also use the Flash grenades to stun them and move forward for melee attacks.
- Use the sisters to kill the Grados swarm. You can manipulate your position and put yourself in situations where you can make the sisters attack the Grados surrounding you. This is a great way to deal with them if you are short on grenades or ammo.
- Use a TMP or a shotgun to deal explosive damage. A shotgun can deal a large amount of damage up close. It can be a great tool to eliminate these sisters as soon as possible.
- Keep your distance from the sisters. A lot of players may try to parry the incoming attacks and while it may look cool, it is extremely dangerous. If you mistime one click, you will get hit and lose a large chunk of your HP. So, maintaining distance and attacking from range is the smart way to go.
4. Bitores Mendez

Mendez the Village Chief is the first major boss in the Resident Evil 4 remake. He is the leader of the village and is infested with the Las Plagas parasite. He is responsible for maintaining control of the village and imposing the rule of Saddler who is our main antagonist. He is the end boss of Chapter 6 and is large with overgrown libs and tentacles coming out of his spine. He can be targeted and defeated by using the surroundings to your advantage and attacking his weak spots.
Mendez Attack Patterns

Mendez performs different attacks at a rapid pace. You need to be fast and careful to dodge these attacks and look for an opening to take him out. These attacks include;
- A Spinning attack that he performs by twisting his body. This attack takes some time to channel so you can easily choreograph it and avoid it. After he finishes his attack animation, he is vulnerable and can be attacked.
- The Grab attack. Mendez uses his speed to pounce at Leon and grab him instantly. You can target his weak spots to stop him mid-charge. If you are grabbed, you can use your knife to escape and create space.
- The Charge attack. As soon as we reach the second phase of the boss fight, Mendez can charge Leon and deal damage. This attack can be avoided by moving to the left or right.
- The Tentacle Stab or Swipe are both tentacle-based attacks that Mendez performs by getting close to Leon. These attacks can be dodged by reacting to the prompt on the screen.
- Mendez can also throw objects at you during the second phase of the fight. He can throw flaming beams and explosive crates at you which can be destroyed mid-attack to deal damage to Mendez himself.
How to Defeat Bitores Mendez
- The fight and most important is to use explosives and shotguns wherever you can. Both items can deal a large amount of damage in short intervals which is extremely beneficial during the first phase of the fight.
- Target his spine. Mendez has three weak points which are his spine, head, and back. However, the spine is the easiest to target because of its large size. Try to land as many shots as possible to the spine to neutralize him.
- During the second phase of the fight, Mendez will throw explosive barrels at you. This gives you a great opportunity to target these barrels mid-air and deal damage to Mendez before he can throw them at you.
- Try to get to the Second Floor. Mendez usually performs a majority of his attacks on the first floor. So, climbing onto the second floor can be greatly beneficial. You can avoid a large chunk of attacks and get a better vantage point to take aim and target his weak spots.
Rewards for Defeating Mendez
You will receive the Grilled Big Cheese achievement for killing Mendez. You will also get Mendez’s false eye which is an item needed to progress the game.
5. Armored El Gigante

The Armored El Gigante is a modified form of the boss we encounter earlier in the game. It appears in Chapter 8 of the game and can be found by making your way to Salazar Castle. It guards the upper sections of the castle you need to partake in a creative boss fight to defeat it. You need to dodge incoming attacks and use items in your surroundings like cannons to defeat the Armored El Gigante
Armored El Gigante Attack Patterns
There are two different types of attacks that you need to watch out for when you are going up against the Armored El Gigante. These include;
- The Cultist Attacks. Cultists in your surroundings attack you when you are trying to dodge the armored giant. You can avoid these attacks by constantly moving and changing your position.
- The Armored El Gigante throws debris at you that can deal a large amount of damage. You can avoid these attacks by hiding behind objects in your surroundings and taking cover.
Tips to Defeat the Armored El Gigante

- Use the wooden platforms as shields when you are being attacked. The giant will constantly throw debris at you. You can avoid these attacks by constantly hiding behind these wooden walls and waiting out his attacks. After this, you can make your move toward the cannon.
- Try to time your movements in between the attacks. You can take out the surrounding cultists and then go right back into cover before the next debris throw. Timing your attacks will get you to the cannon quickly and safely.
- Once you reach the cannon, use it to launch attacks on the Armored El Gigante. Only one successful shot is enough to end the battle. So, take your time and target the giant.
6. Verdugo

The next boss on our list is Verdugo. Verdugo is one of the most menacing bosses in the Resident Evil 4 remake. It is Salazar’s loyal servant and executioner. This boss can be found in Chapter 10 you can fight it by making your way through the laboratory’s underground sewage system. Verdugo has a bug-like exoskeleton that can block incoming attacks and bullets. However, it is extremely weak when it is frozen by using nitrogen.
Verdugo Attack Patterns
Verdugo can perform a plethora of attacks all of which can deal a crazy amount of damage. Its attacks include;
- A lunging attack where Verdugo can jump at you and pin you down to the ground. You can avoid this attack outright by moving out of the way. However, if you get trapped, you can use the prompt on the screen to break free and get some distance between you and the boss.
- The forward slash is the default attack for Verdugo. It will jump and move toward you to try and land the blow. You can avoid this attack by continuously moving and maintaining space.
- Verdugo also has a long tail that it can use to attack you. However, similar to all his attacks this one can be avoided by maintaining a distance.
- The last attack Verdugo can perform is the ceiling attack where it hides in the ceiling and try to jump on you randomly. You need to be alert when it goes into the ceiling and be ready for the dodge prompt as soon as it appears on your screen.
Tips to Defeat Verdugo

- We previously talked about nitrogen being the weakness of Verdugo. So, you can deal damage and slow him down simultaneously targeting the Nitrogen pipes. A few things you need to keep in mind about these pipes are that you can only use them once and they will also deal damage to Leon if you are in the AOE. So, you need to be careful while targeting these pipes.
- If you want to kill Verdugo, you will have to use high-damage weapons like the Rifle, the shotgun, or the magnum. It has a high health pool so using heavy-duty weapons is the way to go.
- Using your melee attacks can also be an effective way to deal damage to Verdugo. You can also use your melee attacks in combination with a shotgun or a magnum to do a crazy amount of damage.
- You can one-shot the Vergudo if you are using the Rocket Launcher. However, you need to ensure that it is slowed by the Nitrogen before you use the launcher. Both these items combined will deal enough damage to destroy him in a single blow.
- An important thing to keep in mind about Verdugo is that you do not need to kill him to progress. You just need to survive the fight until the elevator shows up. After that, you can just climb aboard and escape.
Rewards for Defeating Verdugo
You will receive the Gold Monocle treasure and the Wave Goodbye, Right Hand achievement after killing Verdugo. An important thing to keep in mind is that you will only receive these rewards if you kill Verdugo. If you just wait for the elevator and escape, you will not unlock the achievement or the treasure.
7. Dos Gigantes

The Dos Gigantes is a combination of the Armored and the Unarmored Gigantes we have encountered in the game before as a group. You can locate and fight these giants in Chapter 11 of the Resident Evil 4 remake. Both these giants are located in the Blast furnace.
Dos Gigantes Attack Patterns
Both the giants use the same attacks as they do when you encounter and fight them individually. These attacks include the Ground Pound, the Charge, the Overhead Smash, and the Grab and Slam move. In addition to this, they use new moves like;
- The Double Team attack is where both giants rush toward Leon and throw out coordinated attacks.
- The Armored El Gigante’s Shield Bash where the giant uses its shield to attack Leon which can be avoided by moving out of the way.
- And, the Unarmored El GIgante’s Backhand Swipe where it randomly throws back its hand to attack Leon.
Tips to Defeat the Dos Gigantes

- Try to take out the unarmored El Gigante first. It is a lot weaker than the armored giant and you can use grenades or a shotgun to target it and the plaga coming out of its head.
- After defeating the unarmored giant, buy some time until the Luis cutscene plays and he places some dynamite on the armored El GIgante’s back. You can buy this time by using the Lava Trap Door switch to distract the giant.
- Once you have opened the trap door, you can drop the armored giant into the Lava as well. However, killing it with the lava will not unlock the treasure.
- You can also one-shot the unarmored giant if you have a rocket launcher.
Rewards for Defeating the Dos Gigantes
You will receive the Red Beryl and the Yellow Diamond treasures by killing the armored and unarmored El Gigante respectively.
8. Krauser (First Form)

Krauser is one of the most famous bosses in the Resident Evil franchise. His exciting encounter with Leon in the original Resident Evil 4 was a fan favorite. We first encounter Krauser in Chapter 11 of the Resident Evil 4 remake. He is an ex U.S Specia Forces operative. The first battle between Krauser and Leon is intense and it helps set the tone for the rest of the game.
Krauser Attack Patterns
The first fight between Leon and Krauser is a knife fight. Krauser performs some basic attacks which include;
- A knife slash where he lunges forward and attacks Leon with a Knife.
- A grab attack where he jumps forward and tries to grab and choke out Leon.
- A quick melee combo that involves a combination of hand-to-hand and knife combat.
Tips to Defeat Krauser

- Try to maintain a distance and attack from afar. Do not get too close to Krauser or you will run the risk of getting attacked and taken out.
- After you attack Krauser several times, he will stagger and move back. This will give you ample time to launch a counter-attack and try to do as much damage as you can through your melee attacks.
- As soon as Krauser is about to counter your move, you will see a prompt on the screen. You can react to this and dodge or parry his attack and move in for the kill.
9. Ramon Salazar

Salazar is technically the underboss of the big bad final boss Saddler. He is the main boss of Chapter 12 and we fight him because Krauser kidnapped Ashley. He is extremely agile and powerful and can do crazy damage from both close and long-range. There is an exploitable area of the stage of this fight that can be used to take out Salazar easily.
Salazar Attack Patterns
Salzar performs different attacks all of which are capable of dealing a large amount of damage. These attacks include;
- The Acid Spit. Salazar spits a black acid towards Leon that can slow you down and deal impact damage. You can avoid this attack by either moving left or right or by hiding behind an object.
- The Acid pods are little black pods that are scattered across the entire area. These pods explode when Leon gets in range of them. You can destroy them by shooting them from a distance.
- The Mouth Chomp happens when you have dealt enough damage to transform Salazar into a monster. Once his transformation is complete, he will dive and try to chomp Leon. This attack can be avoided by maintaining a distance from him and attacking from a long range.
Tips to Defeat Salazar

- You can use the golden eggs you have collected along your journey to deal damage to Salazar. These eggs do not work on any other enemy but they can deal damage to Salazar if you throw them at his body.
- Try to use weapons like the CQBR, the TMP, or the Stingray that can help you target Salazar’s weak spots at a rapid pace.
- Focus on targeting his body. It is hidden inside the mouth of the monster. However, there is an opening when he is shooting out acid. You can use this window to target his body and do damage. Similarly, when you are close to killing Salazar, a prompt will appear to attack his eye. You can use this time to attack his eye which will help kill the monster faster.
- The Staircase with the Pillar is the broken area of the map we were talking about. You can use it as a camping spot as it will neutralize every single one of Salazar’s attacks.
- The acid pods are a great source of supplies like ammo and herbs. Whenever you run out of supplies, you can attack these pods to stock up.
Rewards for Defeating Salazar
You receive the No Thanks, Bro! achievement when you defeat Salazar for the first time. You can also unlock the You Talk Too Much! achievement if you manage to successfully throw a grenade into his mouth.
10. Krauser (2nd Form)

The evolved form of Krauser can be encountered in Chapter 14 right before the final boss fight. This version brings a lot of new attacks and moves to the table. This fight with Krauser is a lot more difficult and you will have to develop a better strategy to take him out.
Krauser Attack Patterns
Kruaser has a wide array of attacks especially if we compare it to his earlier version. These attacks include;
- Krauser can perform a combination of slashes and kicks to create a chain of attacks. His combination includes things like slash attacks, a spinning backhand slash, and a roundhouse kick. You can avoid this combo by moving back and creating space.
- Krauser also has a thrust attack where he can charge into Leon to deal damage. You can avoid this attack by simply getting out of the way.
- He also has an arm block that he can use to block incoming damage. You need to simply wait for him to put his arm down and then take your shot.
- Krauser also has a face grab where he grabs your head and pulls you into him. This can be avoided by maintaining a safe distance from his arm.
- Krauser has a leap attack that he can use to get to a high-ground position and jump at you. You need to need away from the central area of the fight location to avoid getting hit.
Tips to Defeat Krauser

- Make sure that you have enough ammo, herbs, and materials to last you through the fight.
- Most of this fight takes place at close range. So, using a weapon like a Shotgun will help you do a crazy amount of damage at this range.
- As soon as Krauser tries to get close and land an attack, try to use his attack against him by parrying it.
- Climb a ladder and get to a higher position when Krauser is about to leap. This will keep you safe from the attack and will give you the space to launch a counterattack. You can use this strategy, again and again, to deal damage to Krauser without getting hit.
Rewards for Defeating Krauser
You will unlock the You Used to Be a Good Guy achievement after killing Krauser for the first time.
11. Osmund Saddler

Finally, we will talk about Saddler who is the final boss of the game. He is the leader of the Los Illuminados cult and is responsible for the outbreak of the Las Plagas parasite. He can be found in Chapter 16 of the Resident Evil 4 remake. This showdown is the hardest one in the game. You need to be prepared for everything if you even want to have a chance at defeating Saddler. With that said, let’s take a look at how you can defeat the final boss of the game.
Saddler Attack Patterns
Saddler has a large variety of attacks that he can use at any stage of the fight. These include;
- The hack and slash is a move where if you get too close to Saddler he will use one of his limbs to grab you and deal damage.
- Saddler can summon Novistadors in the area of the fight. This also creates a weak spot where you can target his eyes while he is summoning the Novistadors.
- This attack is similar to Salazar’s acid spit but it has a longer range and can do a lot more damage. You can dodge this attack by crouching or getting out of the way.
- During the second phase of the boss fight, Saddler can use his large tentacles to attack you. These can be avoided by following the prompt on the screen.
Tips to Defeat Saddler

- Before you start the fight be sure you have everything ready. Buy weapon upgrades, repair your knife, and get body armor before the fight. This will give you a better chance of defeating Saddler.
- Bring heavy-duty weapons like the LE 5, the Killer7, and Red9. These weapons have great accuracy from long range and will help you target Saddler’s eye.
- Sadder weak spots are his eyes, his limbs, and his mouth. You can prioritize targeting these limbs to deal more damage.
- Saddler can jump in the air and slam down on a platform to destroy it at later stages of the fight. Be sure that you are not standing on the platform at the time of his landing.
- There stage for the final battle is surrounded by explosive barrels. You can lure Saddler into these barrels and then shoot them to deal bonus damage. This will keep you at a safe distance and will conserve your ammo for the later stage of the fight.
- As soon as you create some space, try to take out the Navistadors. This will protect you from the trouble of avoiding and dodging them later on.
- As soon as the phase two of the fight starts, try to target the yellow orb at the center of the monster. You can use a rifle or magnum or deal a large amount of damage quickly.
- Once you have dealt enough damage to Saddler, a cutscene will trigger and Ada will throw you a special rocket launcher. Use this to land the killing blow and destroy Saddler.
Rewards for Defeating Saddler
You will receive the You’re Small Time! After you defeat Saddler for the first time.
This concludes our guide on how to defeat all bosses in the Resident Evil 4 remake. Resident Evil 4 was considered by many as one of the hardest games ever because of its bosses and the remake doubles down on that difficulty. Every single boss in the game brings with it a new set of challenges that you would have to adapt to and overcome to defeat them and move on. Following our guide will help you determine the best strategies to deal with these bosses and end the game without a hitch.
We hope that this guide answers all the questions you have about the bosses in the Resident Evil 4 remake and how you can defeat them. Let us know what you thought about the guide in the comments below. Your feedback is highly valued and appreciated. Till next time, good luck and have fun!