MapleStory is a single-player game. MapleStory fans have over the years leveled their characters with long and complex quest lines, come to the aid of non-player characters, retrieve essential quest items, and make direct contact with the guys behind everything. Each character is different, and some use great bosses, while others are great for farming and bullying.
Unfunded Characters
These characters start as unfunded players, and they are strong enough to reach the endgame with the equipment the characters pick up from scratch and the money you earn from quests. Kanna is an example of an unfunded character. Once a player gets to Kanna to level 235, the Mesos made can be transferred to the player’s main character.
What Can Characters Do In MapleStory?
Characters can buy clothes, armor, weapons, and accessories using the virtual currency of Mesos, which can be earned by killing cartoon monsters of various kinds. Players can collect in-game items for their character while completing quests and sell items to other players at the virtual flea market.
Collecting Buffs
In the early stages of gameplay, the main focus of players is leveling up. Many characters have level 125. Once a character reaches level 200, it will be more challenging to train. Collecting buffs such as the Cygnus Knights Weapon Attack Bonus and connectivity abilities. If you are a casual player, then playing a Kanna Mule at level 225 as the main character results in plenty of mesos earned and are sufficient; the only drawback is that one has to log in from a different device. It takes a lot of time and effort to get an unfunded character to a high level.
Hit Mob
Daily quests like Ursus Maple Tour are played by most players who finance their characters with a hit mob. If the player wants to use this as a funding source, it is best to pick a character that requires little or no funding and start there. Creating more content, recruiting up to 220 characters, training for new map releases to fight new monsters that drop good items and equipment. A player will have to spend a lot of time playing a character that is not their main character. Players cannot have an endgame character without giving their new character a lot of money to buy expensive gear.
Great First Characters To Use As The Main Character
When a player starts playing MapleStory, they should consider their first character as their main character. Legion is the primary character players can use as the “main character.” Legion is a bit complicated, but it’s where one can get all the extra stats if one has multiple characters.
Connectivity skills are passive and active abilities that are class-specific and can be shared between characters up to level 70. Link Skills benefit from having more characters in your account. For example, Mercedes Link’s ability has a permanent experience bonus that it grants to characters of level 70 or higher.
Class of Character
The character’s class significantly influences the number of mobs cultivated over a given period, so many players choose to create memorable characters. Pawn characters, despite their primary class, being not very good at it. The DPM calculation is based on how well the character is optimized, including maximum level and BIS gearbox. When a character reaches level 70, he gets all buffs he can get.
New classes have special events and rewards for their leveling, which can help make the main course their best. Teamwork is also necessary for the more difficult quests that require advanced and high-level characters to perform group quests. It is essential to look for team members who have the same level as your character; for example, if a player has a character that is at level 220, they should look for a party that has Black Heaven Deck( BDH) so that their character will earn those skills too.
Reboot Box
The Reboot Box gives you a boost of items, dice, and scrolls when you reach a certain level (level 150 is available for brand new accounts created for this character). The Reboot box is only available for brand new accounts with the same character.