Assassin’s Creed Valhalla has a lot to offer, from angry Vikings to assassins and colorful characters to make the game more enjoyable. There is much to do when you play as Eivor in this delightful epic full of twists and turns around every corner.
As if being a super awesome hero was not taxing enough, the game will often throw important decisions your way, which may change how the game pans out. One such decision presents itself during Gudrun and Holger’s argument in Ravensthorpe. So… Gudrun or Holger? Let’s take a look at the facts and decide!
The Blame and Sail quest will present players with the decision of declaring one party guilty over the case of Gudrun’s sailcloth. Gudrun will argue that it was stolen and that she should be compensated for it, while Holger will argue that he only took a discarded piece of sailcloth that nobody wanted and did not have any bad intentions in mind.
If you are confused about which side to pick, don’t be. It does not matter whether you decide to declare Gudrun or Holger to be wrong since the jarl Sigurd will appear and interrupt at the last second and decide himself. There is a far more important decision to be made shortly afterward.
If you are curious to know more, it is suggested that you keep reading to find out how the entire trial plays out. We will discuss important details and guide you regarding what decision will benefit you most. Without further ado, let us get right to it and see whether Gudrun or Holger is the right way to go.
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Should You Side With Gudrun Or Holger In Assassin’s Creed Valhalla?

Assassin’s Creed has developed a lot over the years and each new entry finds new ways to surprise the players with their additions and slightly different mechanics. Something that might put the players on edge is the fear of selecting the wrong choice and permanently altering the course of their game.
Such a decision presents itself in the Blame and Sail quest in Ravensthorpe. If you want to decide whether to side with Gudrun or Holger, this is the guide for you.
Blame And Sail

Players will get the chance to experience the heated debate between Gudrun and Holger during the Blame and Sail quest, which is the main quest of the Ravensthorpe arc. The quest begins automatically upon setting foot in Ravensthorpe, and you will be greeted with an ongoing town dispute between Gudrun and Holger.
When you enter the hall, you will find both parties arguing loudly, and the trial will begin as soon as you interact with the commotion. Since Sigurd is currently resting, Eivor wishes not to disturb him and oversteps her jurisdiction to oversee the argument between Gudrun and Holger, having the jarl’s best interest in mind.
The task is to listen to both parties and decide who is right.
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Gudrun’s Argument

Once Eivor is seated and ready for judgment, she will ask to hear from both parties involved. If you prompt Gudrun to speak, she will mention how she has been robbed of her property. She will claim that some sailcloth had gone missing three days prior, and she had been searching for it ever since.
While passing through the settlement, she sees it proudly on display at Holger’s place, now defaced and damaged. Gudrun will appear exasperated and plead to Eivor that her sailcloth was stolen and Holger scribbled and drew on it.
At this point, Holger will try and interrupt only to be met with a warning from Eivor, who will remind him how these trial proceedings take place. Moving on, Gudrun will be asked what she did once she found out her sailcloth was in Holger’s possession. She will inform Eivor how she demanded silver for her sailcloth since it was ruined and could no longer be sold or bartered.
Gudrun’s argument of fair compensation seems plausible enough, but what does Holger have to say on the whole matter? Let’s see.
Holger’s Argument

When Eivor has heard Gudrun’s side of the story, she will ask Holger to state his defense. Holger will inform Eivor that he found mildew-stained detritus a few days ago beneath the docks and salvaged whatever he could. He had been under the impression that all of his findings were rubbish that had been disposed of and was, therefore, fair game to be plucked.
Being an artist, Holger intended to use the sailcloth as a canvas to showcase his latest work. He then tells Eivor how the sailcloth was obscured from view and already damaged, that he had no idea it was anything but abandoned goods.
Holger’s key argument is that a thief would not be bold or foolish enough to display his stolen goods so proudly (although it would make for the perfect crime). He simply took a discarded piece of cloth and used it to create something beautiful, supposedly, and that was his only crime.
He claims that the theft accusation against him is false, which was the other side of the story behind the stolen sailcloth.
Which Side To Pick?

So, was Gudrun right for demanding silver for her stolen sailcloth, or had she truly disposed of it and seen a sliver of an opportunity when Holger took it? Players are now given a choice of who they believe is right or wrong.
There will be another short sequence where Gudrun claims that she could have gotten some profit for that cloth, and Holger brushes her argument aside and claims that the only thing that cloth was good for was his artistic work, which has now increased his value.
It all comes down to a matter of personal perspective with this argument. There is no objective right or wrong in case Gudrun had indeed discarded the cloth prior. However, Holger salvaging goods that could have belonged to someone else at the settlement is the bigger wrong here, the way we see it.

Spoiler alert: your choice, like many others in the game, will have no impact on how the script plays out because no matter whether you side with Gudrun or Holger in their dispute, Sigurd will barge in and interrupt the ongoing ordeal.
The reason is that the jarl is enraged that he was not summoned for such an important affair, and he takes it out on Eivor for taking on the role even though it was not her place, according to Sigurd.
No matter which option you chose, Sigurd will declare Holger guilty due to personal dislike and demand that he pay Gudrun thirty times over or be exiled for refusing to do so. Even Gudrun will try to object to this, saying she only seeks compensation for one sailcloth.
Sigurd will mention how Holger has always loved to spin words and tell lies that weaken children’s minds and corrupt the purity within. Sucks to suck, right?
Significance Of Choices In AC Valhalla

Now, the real point of significance is how much choices really matter in AC Valhalla. The Assassin’s Creed series has evolved tremendously since the early days of gaming and amid other massive changes were the dialogue options.
While the whole Gudrun or Holger debate might have put a dent in your faith in the dialogue choices’ impact, it should be noted that some choices make a difference.
While admittedly, you can survive most of the game blindly selecting any option, and the most that will go wrong is a bunch of pixels will be angry at you; some choices can significantly change your game’s path. A prime example is the choice right after the Gundrun and Holger debate.
The player will be presented with the option of agreeing or disagreeing with Sigurd’s rather hasty and unfair verdict. It is suggested that you agree with Sigurd and say that he is right even if you do not believe it, solely because being on his good side will bring you closer to the game’s true ending, whereas disagreeing with him will give you a strike and severely blow you off course.
To sum it all up, it is a waste in most cases, but paying some attention to the dialogue prompts can prove to be helpful in the long run.
That concludes today’s guide on whether you should agree with Gudrun or Holger in their rather heated town dispute during the Blame and Sail quest. While your choices are of little significance at times, it is a fun detail that – if nothing else – adds to the immersion aspect of the game. AC Valhalla was met with mixed reviews at launch, but its good points are hard to ignore.
We sincerely hope that our guide helped you learn more about the Gudrun and Holger debate in AC Valhalla. If it did, be sure to leave a comment down below and let us know. Your feedback is much appreciated. Good luck, assassin!