The fresh water outlet is a water service building that is unlocked at the Tiny Town. It costs ₡2500 to build and ₡320/week to maintain or upkeep. The pollution level of a fresh water outlet is 0 whereas the noise pollution level is 10. It requires 240kW electricity to run and has a size of 1×3 cells. The draining capacity of a fresh water outlet is 24,000 m3/week, and it does not demand road access.
You can find the fresh water outlet in the Natural Disasters TLC. If you have bought the Natural Disasters DLC, you will be able to find the fresh water outlet in the “Water and Sewage” menu.
Service buildings are required in all but the smallest communities to offer services and transit to their inhabitants and businesses. These public buildings are separate from the “private” structures that pop up in zones on their own. More services and structures will be available as the city progresses beyond the various milestones. Soon after they have been unlocked, residents will begin to demand these items.
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A fresh water outlet attaches to your water pipeline and keeps spewing fresh water if your water towers and pumps are capable of supplying it. They may be placed anywhere.
Fresh water outlets function similarly to sewage outlets, with the exception that they remove surplus fresh water from the system. You may use this to make rivers, ponds, and even waterfalls. Alternatively, you could just fill up a meteor hole and create a new, charming lake in a disaster-stricken city. If the Fresh Water Outlet is turned on and there is extra water generated, it will only blow out water. If buildings need all of the water towers and pumps produced, the outlet will not allow any water to escape.
You can use a fresh water outlet as a component of a flood control system, but it won’t deter a flood on its own (in fact, it may provoke one!). These outlets are also useful for clearing out sewage that has been stagnant for a long time.
When there is an excess of water produced, the fresh water outlet sends it out. If your city’s water demand rises to the point that there isn’t enough to go around, it will turn off automatically.
To be healthy and function properly in Cities: Skylines, your people and municipal services require fresh water, and a means to dispose of sewage.
In the water info display, you can see the water network as well as the area covered by the pipe (shaded in light blue). This data visualization will also color-code buildings based on whether they have enough water supply, revealing any holes in the town’s network. Multiple, disconnected water networks, with their outputs and pumps, are possible. On the bulk of maps, though, this is seldom the best option.

Buildings farthest in the system from the water source would be the first to discontinue service if freshwater or sewage service is inadequate to meet demand. Buildings can only withstand insufficient sewage or water for a limited period of time before being abandoned.
Water pumping stations and water towers are the two kinds of water delivery structures. These structures must be built by the players in order to offer fresh water to their area. Water pumping stations should be constructed near a supply of water, such as a riverbed. Keeping track of the water’s flow direction is a smart thing to do.
You may place water towers anywhere on the ground, but you must ensure no ground contamination near the building. Otherwise, your water source may be poisoned, making inhabitants sick. Water pipelines must link these water sources to your neighborhood.
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Water pipes should be installed once a water supply facility is constructed to transport water throughout your town and back to the sewerage outlets. Facilities have to be located within an 11-cell radius of functional pipes to be served, but water pipes have to be uninterrupted.
Water Pipes are available from the beginning of the game and are laid down in straight lines underground. Building them costs $20 per cell, and maintaining them costs $0.08 each week. Pipe networks must be constant to operate. Natural calamities such as meteorites and earthquakes may break water pipelines.