An hour before midnight, I stumbled upon Bombergrounds: Battle Royale on Steam and decided to give it a try. I’m in a food coma, tired and exhausted from building my other websites. The temptation of writing this article and reviewing this game didn’t stop me from rest.
“It’s getting late.”
I told myself that I should be heading to bed and do this review tomorrow. I couldn’t resist the temptation.
As a kid growing up, I grew up playing with the “Super Nintendo.” One of my favorite consoles to play because I could play with my cousins in the living room with the two controllers that we had. Back then, computers were still a new thing for us so playing multiplayer on the console was the way to go. I had a very memorable experience growing up.

During the time, we would play games like Street Fighter, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Megaman and a collection of 20+ game cartridges that we had. One of the games that were truly unforgettable for us was Bomberman. We’ve spent many hours on this game together.
Fast forward to today, I browsed the Steam library and discovered Bombergrounds: Battle Royale. Nostalgia is every persons’ weakness. It hit me. I had to try it.
Bombergrounds: Battle Royale
Bombergrounds: Battle Royale, released on March 6th, 2020, is a free-to-play game on Steam. The game was inspired by the classic Bomberman games. When you play this game, you start by getting thrown onto an island with other online players. Your goal is to be the last survivor. This game was developed by Gigantic Duck. The ratings on Steam are very positive, so that’s a good sign that it’s going to be an awesome game.
Bombergrounds: Battle Royale Download
This supported platforms for this game are PC, Mac, iOS, and Android. In this article, I will be reviewing the PC version. But don’t worry, here are the download links for Android and iOS.
To play this game on PC, you will have to download Steam to get it for free from the library. This game takes around 238 MB on your computer. (I was expecting more after clicking the download button).

Launching The Game
Being able to play another game similar to Bomberman truly excites me. The last time I played a game similar to Bomberman was a game by Nexon called Poptag. Due to unfortunate events, Poptag had to be shut down. Now that the game is launched, you will go through a series of loading screens and the first thing it’ll take you to is a welcome screen asking for the creation of your username.

Well, the username worked! After registering, it took me to the next screen with a pop-up offering me to unlock the battle pass. This requires gems. How do you get them?

By the looks of the items, it doesn’t seem like it’s pay-to-win. That would kill the game. It seems like the battle pass is more for unlocking cosmetics and equips to wear. Let’s click on the “Unlock Battle Pass” button and see what happens.

This message appeared right after I clicked it. Now that we’re all curious, let’s find out how to get these gems. I’m sure many items in the game will make you want gems twice as much. After taking a look, I clicked on the ‘Shop’ button on the left and found it selling gems.
On the top right of this shop, it says “Get gems to be able to purchase cool and exciting in-game content.” I guess it’s a better way to express yourself as a game character with in-game content. As much as I hate micro-transactions, I wouldn’t mind supporting the creators of the game especially if it’s free-to-play.
Profile Page
On the profile page of the main menu, you will see your stats. I feel pretty confident in this game, but I know these players online will crush me without a doubt.

As you can see, my stats are currently at zero. On your stats page, you will get to see your
- Games
- Wins
- Kills
- Deaths
- Total Time Played
- Average Time Alive
- Powerups Taken
- Bombs Dropped
- Average Kills
When you click on your cosmetics tab, you will see your character. You start off as a cat. You have the option to change the character’s face or eyes. There are also outfits and many more items which require unlocking before you’re able to use it. You also have the option to change what animal you are! What’s your favorite animal?
Friend Tab
There’s also a friend tab where you can add people online. Unfortunately for me, I have zero friends. Here’s a screenshot of what it looks like.
Feel free to add me! (I’m lonely! Please!) Just kidding, I’m not that desperate!
Bombergrounds: Battle Royale First Gameplay

Okay, I felt confident. I ended up in 12th place because I accidentally killed myself. I was trying to figure out the buttons and how everything works. Apparently, you can chat midgame. I took a screenshot of the buttons just so you could avoid the same mistake as me.
GameTaco’s Thoughts
After playing several more games, I don’t think I’ll be sleeping tonight. I found that the gameplay is really smooth, simple, and easy to learn. I’m quite excited to be staying up actually. It’s making my night feel a little more nostalgic. I truly hope the game doesn’t die like how Poptag did. I found out one of my friends play this game on Steam, so I’ll be contacting him to play a match together. If you’re a fan of Bomberman, you’ll probably love this game. I decided to take a look at the phone version and it seems like many people struggle with the joystick. I would highly recommend playing on PC because you’ll have the best experience, most definitely.
Bombergrounds: Battle Royale Community
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