This is the moment you have been waiting for. You are finally going to go toe-to-toe with the poster girl of FromSoftware’s Elden Ring. Your fingers ache in anticipation as you envision a duel that goes down in history as legendary.
You step into the arena quivering with excitement. An epic exchange of blows is about to go down. The fight starts an- SHIT THIS IS HARD! Worry not, soldier. Malenia is one of the greatest difficulty spikes in the entire game. Here is a list of the best summons for Malenia in Elden Ring to make the fight more bearable and fun.
Tired of getting your butt handed to you by Malenia? Elden Ring emphasizes multiplayer as a significant part of the gameplay. Here is a list of the best summons to aid in your battle with Malenia:
- Black Knife Tiche
- Lhutel The Headless
- Banished Knight Oleg
- Mimic Tear
- A fellow Elden Ring player
If you are curious to know more, we suggest you keep reading ahead to find out all you need to whoop Malenia and emerge victorious. Summons get a bad rep from the git gud players, but they can enhance your Elden Ring experience. Without further ado, let us check out the best summons for Malenia in Elden Ring.
Best Summon For Malenia

What is the best summon for Malenia in Elden Ring? Well, ain’t that a toughie? Elden Ring offers many promising summons as you progress through the dreary Lands Between in search of lost order and sanity. Malenia is arguably one of – if not the hardest – hardest bosses in Elden Ring. Let us check out the best summons for Malenia.
Malenia, Blade of Miquella

Remember the first time you walked into the boss fight and heard Malenia say, ”..Heed my words. I am Malenia. Blade of Miquella. And I have never known defeat.” Because same. The goosebumps were unreal.
Malenia, Blade of Miquella is an Optional Boss in Elden Ring who is referred to as the Goddess of Rot. This is because she unleashed Scarlet Rot onto the Lands Between amid her battle against Starscourge Radahn. She was born a twin to Miquella and is a Demi-god.
Malenia can be found by making your way to Elphael. Brace of the Haligtree. She is an extremely agile and skilled warrior whom we, unfortunately, pissed off. Her attacks and brutal and it is no surprise that some players would rather summon some aid to make the fight more bearable.
The best summons for Malenia are discussed below:
Black Knife Tiche

Black Knife Tiche is one of the best summons for Malenia in Elden Ring. She is a skilled warrior who was part of the Black Knife Assassins who slew Godwyn on the Night of Black Knives.
Black Knife Tiche is very agile and specializes in 1v1 combat, which makes her ideal for Malenia. The 132 FP might sound jarring, but it pays off in the end. Players have had much success with Malenia by calling Black Knife Tiche for assistance.
Black Knife Tiche’s Spirt Ashes can be obtained by defeating Alecto, Black Knife Ringleader at the Ringleader’s Evergaol in Southwestern Liurnia. The Spirit Ashes read:
Legendary ashen remains.
Use to summon the spirit of Black Knife Tiche.
Tiche was one of the assassins who, on the night of the plot,
imbued her black knife with the Rune of Death and slew Godwyn
the Golden. She was the daughter of the Black Knife Ringleader,
Alecto, and was killed protecting her mother during their flight
from the royal capital.
Lhutel The Headless

Next up, we have Lhutel the Headless. Lhutel is a fantastic summon for Malenia for more reasons than one. Lhutel the Headless is a Legendary Spirit and Summon in Elden Ring who is like the spirit version of an unmounted Mausoleum Knight.
While Lhutel the Headless undoubtedly holds aggro quite poorly due to her constant teleportation, she is still useful in your encounter against Malenia. Her attacks might be slow, but they pack a punch and can act as a much-needed tank or distraction, allowing you got to get a few hits in. Her summon is quite capable and works well with a diverse number of builds.
Her summon costs 104 FP.
Lhutel the Headless’s Spirit Ashes can be found at the Tombsward Catacombs. They are dropped off by a Cemetery Shade. The official description reads:
Legendary ashen remains.
Use to summon the spirit of Lhutel the Headless.
Spirit of a headless knight who leads the mausoleum soldiers.
Wields a lance enrobed in Death and hurls spectral lances at foes.
Lhutel sacrificed her life so that in Death she could continue to protect a soulless demigod until their revival, earning her the hero’s honor at Erdtree Burial.
Banished Knight Oleg

Banished Knight Oleg made our list of the best summons for Malenia in Elden Ring. This entry might be a bit surprising, but hear us out.
The Banished Knight Oleg takes the cake by being nothing to write home about. There are no special tricks or pros here. However, what the players do get is a well–balanced Spirit summon worthy of aiding in challenging encounters without being useless or too useful. He is quite OP just by being himself.
His summon costs a whopping 100 FP, but that is pretty standard considering some of the other entries on our list. He will serve you well against Malenia, especially in her first phase. If he lasts long enough, he will also make for a good distraction in phase 2.
Banished Knight Oleg’s Spirit Ashes can be found In Fringefolk Hero’s Grave: To get there, use 2 Stonesword Keys on the double Imp Keystone next to the Stranded Graveyard Site of Grace. This will lead to a mini-dungeon with traps.
You will need to avoid a crusher by walking into side alcoves as you descend. There will also be ghost swordsmen and archers. Map Link
At the end of this, you will fight an Ulcerated Tree Spirit boss. The boss will drop this spirit summon and a Golden Seed.
The official description reads:
Ashen remains in which spirits yet dwell.
Use to summon the spirit of Oleg, the Banished Knight.
One of the two knights is known as the Wings of the Storm. After his banishment, he attracted the notice of the Grace-Given Lord
and later, having slain a hundred traitors at the Lord’s hand, Oleg earned the hero’s honor of Erdtree Burial.
Mimic Tear

We all saw this coming, did we not? Because, then again, who better to defeat Malenia than you yourself? Mimic Tear is one of the best summons possible for Malenia and has saved plenty of players from a seemingly endless cycle of defeat and despair.
Mimic Tear is a unique Spirt Ash in Elden Ring that allows you to summon a spirit with your own equipment, armor, and weapons. One of the greatest benefits is being able to save up on FP since summoning Mimic Tear only costs HP (660).
What makes the Mimic Tear so great is the freedom of customization. YOU decide how your Spirit approaches the battle by giving them the proper weapons and equipment to use. A lot of players had success with Malenia upon using Mimic Tear in their fights.
Mimic Tear Ashes are found in a chest locked behind an imp statue door in Night’s Sacred Ground. The official Mimic Tear Spirit Ash description reads:
Legendary ashen remains.
Use to summon the spirit of a mimic tear.
Summoning consumes HP rather than FP.
This spirit takes the form of the summoner to fight alongside
they, but its mimicry does not extend to imitating the
summoner’s will.
Mimic tears are the result of an attempt by the Eternal City to
forge a lord.
Ask A Fellow Tarnished

If none of the other summons seem enticing or prove to be effective, you do have one final option. Instead of in-game summons, you could opt to play with a friend or summon a fellow Elden Ring player to aid in your legendary battle against Malenia.
Elden Ring’s world freely encourages multiplayer; both cooperative and competitive. Therefore, it makes sense to benefit from that instead of resorting to summoning NPCs. You and your friends could try fun combos and see what it finally takes to defeat the Blade of Miquella for good.
You can summon players to your world to aid you as you venture deep into the Lands Between. Plus, if you are on PC, you could technically summon let me solo her and sit back while he kills Malenia for you.
Those are the best summons for Malenia in Elden Ring.
Tips For Malenia

Summons are fine and all, but what about the fight itself? Malenia is a really challenging encounter, so here are some tips and tricks to survive the boss fight and come out on top. These tips are listed below:
- Be at least level 130-150 for a decent time fighting her.
- Use a shield with 100% damage absorption.
- Learn her parry timings. She needs to be parried twice before she is open for a riposte attack.
- Use the Bloodhound’s Step Ash of War to evade most of her attacks successfully.
- Focus on her when she does her Clone attack, and then dodge it perfectly.
- Be wary of her Waterfowl attack and roll INTO her flurry of attacks after the first sequence.
- Some Sorceries and Incantations will help you out of pickles.
- Maintain your distance.
- Do not get greedy.
- Pray for some merciful RNG.
That concludes our guide on the best summons for Malenia in Elden Ring. Elden Ring is crafted in such a way that summons can sometimes be your knight in shining armor when you find yourself hitting a wall. There is no shame in seeking assistance, and sometimes makes the battle far more enjoyable!
We hope our guide helped you learn more about the best summons for Malenia in Elden Ring. If it did, be sure to leave a comment down below and let us know. Your feedback is much appreciated. Good luck, Tarnished!