ARK is an amazing action-adventure video game in which you have to struggle to survive as it is full of enemies and other violent creatures. The Thylacoleo is a creature that can be tamed and might become helpful in your survival in the game. So if you are looking to get this creature in the ARK, you have come to the right place. Here we’ll discuss everything that is there to know about Thylacoleo. So let’s get you to it without wasting any more time.
The Thylacoleo is a carnivore with an aggressive temper that first arose in the early to late Pleistocene epoch. These carnivorous beasts are incredibly swift and can efficiently dispatch their victims with fast strikes and ambush tactics.
Thylacoleo is commonly spotted in tropical regions hunting for prey, following prey, and sometimes even climbing trees in preparation to attack people that come within its range. Survivors must take precautions when encountering such creatures since they are incredibly swift and could even leap from a tree to subdue people who are unaware.
Those who have successfully domesticated a Thylacoleo could ride them, infiltrating bases or reaching vantage positions by climbing along the edges of trees and specific structures. Despite their resemblance to tigers, Thylacoleo are marsupials frequently seen in trees, waiting for prey to jump on and turn it into a meal.
Thylacoleo has a habit of overcoming their prey with the power of their jaws, biting deep into their prey and locking their mouth, shredding and injuring their prey until the life leaves their body.
These species are among the strongest and quickest medium-sized animals on the planet, and their skill to climb long trees and jump large distances makes them extremely valuable for both travel and hunting.
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Abilities of Thylacoleo

This creature has many abilities, and some of them are discussed as follows.
The Thylacoleo can usually climb up trees, buildings, and even some structures, before facing down and preparing to pounce. If set to violent or directed to attack a victim in range, a Thylacoleo could be left clinging onto a surface and could even employ its pounce.
While going up a surface, a Thylacoleo might face down to prepare for a pounce in the way of it, or the rider might face. The Thylacoleo pounce has a great range, and it will grab the first thing or survivor that comes into contact with it.
Survivors and creatures shorter than the Thylacoleo will be trapped down, and if the Thylacoleo pounces on a weaker flying creature, it will pull it down. Whenever Thylacoleo has held down prey, it will bite and tear it for some time and leave it until the creature or survivor expires.
Uses of Thylacoleo
The uses of thylacoleo are as follows:
Thylacoleo are extremely swift on land, and their capability to climb and jump large distances allows them to quickly overcome obstacles in their route, making them an excellent ground scout.
Taming Mount
Since a Thylacoleo could be ridden while carrying a weapon, survivors could easily catch up to wild animals and tame them while hunting them.
Damage Dealer
Thylacoleo can do a lot of damage to opponents with their potent attacks, and they can even take out individual smaller targets one at a time just after they pounce them.
The Thylacoleo’s potential to pounce on opponents allows it to hold them down and kill or be killed by its master, making it an effective disabler for wiping out other survivors and minor tames.
Since the Thylacoleo could climb over structures or trees, they can readily penetrate a base through several places, allowing for stealthy raids.
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How to Tame a Creature Like Thylacoleo

Thylacoleo may be readily tamed once immobilized or imprisoned, which allows for a variety of taming techniques to be applied, one of which being the use of a bear trap.
Set up a bear trap on the opposite side of the Thylacoleo and shoot at it if it is on a tree or wandering around, which will cause it to either fall from the tree or come towards you, with its direction being in the trap’s path.
Once the Thylacoleo has been captured in the bear trap, start firing at it with your tranquilizing weapon until it is knocked unconscious, but be careful because there may be others around who will react to this and strike you.
Food of Thylacoleo
Thylacoleo usually eats kibble. It can also eat some other foods such as raw mutton, cooked meat, raw meat, fish meat, and many more.
Saddle of Thylacoleo
The thylacoleo saddle can be crafted by the following resources.
- Fiber
- Metal Ingot
- Hide
Breeding Process of Thylacoleo
Thylacoleo are basically mammals. Therefore after mating, the female Thylacoleo will go through gestation and then give birth to the baby Thylacoleo.
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Where You Can Find Thylacoleo
Thylacoleo are most commonly found in redwood forests. However, some can even be found on arid islands.
The Thylacoleo can be found on the following maps:
- The Center
- The Island
- Ragnarok
- Valguero
- Scorched Earth
- Extinction
You can also harvest some valuable resources from the body of Thylacoleo, such as keratin, hide, and raw meat.
Closing Thoughts
When traveling through the redwoods, be cautious at all times because these beasts tend to linger and will pounce on unaware victims without notice. A Thylacoleo can deal a lot of harm on its own, but after it has preyed on smaller creatures, their odds of surviving are close to none.
Due to its agility and speed, tribes that use Thylacoleo for scouting, attacks, and even tracking down survivors have a significant edge over their opponents, making escape nearly impossible and keeping those who mount it well covered when avoiding exposure.
So that’s everything there is to know about Thylacoleo. We have discussed everything in detail, including its food, locations from where you can find the Thylacoleo, how to tame it, the breeding process, and many more. Still, if you think that something is missing, then feel free to leave a comment.